Monday, December 20, 2010

The Baby Shower. Dec. 5th

Thank you to everyone who helped in making Noah's Baby Shower a spectacular and memorable event. We came home with many presents, and some tasty food. Christine and Ashley did such a great job at bringing it all together.

Gabe was invited! He was the jokester, and brought everyone to laughs while he figured out what each present was for. :) 

Noah has way too many clothes now. He is going to be one stylish dude.

Christine and Ashley have been my lifesavers throughout this whole pregnancy. They were both pregnant this time last year and have been there for me every step of the way. I continually have questions for them, and they answer with patience and a sense of humor; both of which make your pregnancy more enjoyable. Christine and Ashley planned a wonderful baby shower. We are very thankful for the two of you :) Noah is so blessed already!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Name Game...

           This little man was supposed to be Vinson Gabriel. However, after seeing the little guy in the sonogram, the name just didn't fit. Our little boy seemed so relaxed. He had his arms behind his head and his legs were kicking to and fro. He seemed so content. 
        We had told our entire family, before knowing the gender, that his name would be Vinson. We received mixed reactions. Some liked it, some hated it. But we told them we were set on it. The day we found out the gender we tried calling the baby Vinson. It felt very wrong. 
        Gabe and I didn't say anything at first. We were in bed, reading, and Gabe stated, "I have a confession. I don't like the name Vinson." I was so relieved, I didn't like it either, but was afraid to say so. The two of us started throwing out names, mostly biblical. Gabe finally said, "What about Noah?" I thought about it, tried it out, and loved it. After looking up the name, I discovered its meaning: comfort, peaceful, reposed. It was perfect. We prayed about the name, and have had such a peace about it since. 
        Our little man is now Noah Gabriel Boughner!

Boy or Girl?

        The anticipation was torture as Gabe and I waited for our parents to arrive at Womancare. On September 20th at 11:10 we were scheduled for another sonogram to find out the gender.  My parents and Gabe's parents both came to witness and share in the big event. 
        I had heard that the baby could be in the position so you can't see anything. We prayed and prayed for the baby to be in the perfect position!
        Gabe and I were alone in the sonogram room, with the exception of the nurse. Our parents sat in the waiting room while we were the first to witness the baby's "parts." As soon as the nurse put the monitor on the stomach our little baby had its legs spread wide apart. The baby is a BOY! He was ready to show the world too. At this sonogram appointment we were also able to see his heart, brain, and spinal cord. Everything was perfect. 
        Once we knew the gender, the moms entered. The nurse showed the mothers every part of the baby except the "deciding" body part. Finally, she showed them. They both burst into tears, especially my mom. They had both guessed he would be a boy. The dads came in next and the nurse showed them right away. Gabe's step-dad Doug said he knew it would be a boy, but my dad, naturally, thought it would be a girl. They were both thrilled and proud. 

I secretly wanted a little boy. I would have been just as happy with a little girl, but I wanted a little Gabe Boughner. :) 

WE ARE HAVING A BOY!  21 weeks:

*The Karate Kid*

On July 12, 2010 I felt the first "flutter."

      I had been leaning over the keyboard, a tad abnormally. My stomach was in the perfect awkward position, and I felt something very strange. It was as if a butterfly was flapping its wings in my uterus. I was stunned. I told the girls in the office what I had felt, and they confirmed my suspicions. It was a "kick." 

      It took a long time for me to feel that sensation again. However, the past month the "butterfly," has transformed into a "karate kick." This little guy really likes to move. It is amazing to lay on my back, while my shirt is lifted, and see the baby move across my stomach. It is almost sci-fi'ish. 

      I have gotten used to the constant movement, and I now recognize little man's ruitine. However, this past Friday, the movement was not as constant. I let myself worry, and voiced my concern to Gabe. Gabe gently bent down to my relaxed and elevated tummy, and began singing, "Hotel California." After that, he started talking to the baby about this and that. The baby was kicking the whole time as if it completely enjoyed listening to his daddy. It was a beautiful moment. I love Gabe so much, and I am so proud that half of him is growing inside me. Noah is one lucky dude to have Gabe as his daddy.

      Unfortunately, the kicking interrupted worship during church on Sunday. I was on stage singing back-up to Revelation Song, and Noah started kicking. He was kicking so hard that it took my breath away, and I had to take the mic away from my mouth. I think he really liked the song. :)

      The kicking has been my favorite aspect of pregnancy thus far! It is proof that our little guy is still okay. 

I just had to!

I saw this little outfit at TJ Max. It isn't the cutest outfit in the world, but it was the only gender neutral outfit I could find. The temptation to buy something for the baby was extremely strong, and I caved. This is the baby's first outfit.


When I was ten weeks along the doctor wanted to confirm the baby's due date. The blood tests would be performed on the baby the next month, and in order to get the best results the doctor needed to know the exact due date. Another sonogram needed to be done. I was super excited for this. Unfortunately, Gabe was unable to make it to this sonogram. We were both disappointed. 

However, Destiny Noel Morrow accompanied me to see our baby. It was so beautiful to see how big the baby had gotten in only three weeks. I officially love sonograms :)

Week 10:

The Worry Seeped In...

        WARNING TO ALL EXPECTANT MOTHERS: Do not constantly read up on all the things that could go wrong with your pregnancy, and to your baby. 

        I made the mistake of reading every sentence in the book, "Your Pregnancy Week by Week." While this book is extremely creative and informative, it is also a little paranoid. Every chapter has sections about diseases that you or your baby could have. It lists signs that reveal to you that you may have had a miscarriage, and so on. Granted, I do need to read some of this stuff, but not in every chapter. 
       The baby was about seven weeks along when I started to experience extreme cramping in my lower abdomen. It was excruciating. Since I had read the night before that cramping could be a sign of miscarriage, I immediately began to think that was happening. I called my doctor while I was getting ready for work, and they told me to come in as soon as possible. Gabe was at work so I couldn't call him, so I texted instead. I called his mother Michelle and she said she would take me to the doctor, and to try not to worry. 
      I have never been in a situation where I couldn't calm myself down. I've almost fallen off a mountain in the Himalayas while driving in a van, and have done other stupid things. In those extreme circumstances I could always tell myself that everything was going to be okay. However, in this moment of sheer anxiety I could not calm myself. I was certain something was wrong with my child, and that has been the worst feeling I have ever felt in my entire life. I didn't stop crying from the time I got into the shower until the moment Michelle showed up to take me to the appointment.
       Michelle was a lifesaver. She had called Gabe during her drive over and was able to reach him, and he was able to leave work to come be with me. The doctor had prescribed a sonogram to see what was going on. Gabe, Michelle, and myself waited patiently as the nurse searched for the baby via ultra sound. She finally found the baby, and we were able to see the heart beat. I have never felt such relief in my entire life. Dr. Buchanan told us that cramping was a normal part of pregnancy. She said that my uterus is literally expanding and I am going to feel the consequences of that. But, she said the baby looked perfect. Praise the Lord.
        I called my sister Kristin once I was home and in bed. She told me the best advice, "Jordan, you can either worry about this child the rest of its life, or you can faithfully give all your worries and anxieties to the Lord. You may see this baby grow old, or it may only make it until its second birthday. Regardless, the baby belongs to the Lord, and He has a will for its life. You need to enjoy each moment you have with this child. Worrying will not help the enjoyment." My wise sister was exactly right. 

From this point on, I give all of my natural worries and anxieties over this child to the one who created it. God is in control.

Two Pink Lines

         I have never been so excited to take a pregnancy test. Gabe and I had been trying to get pregnant for a total of three weeks. It was time for my monthly curse to start, and I was one day late. I had been told multiple times that, in order to get an accurate response, you must wait until you are a week late. Gabe and I both were too impatient. I invested $18.00 into a test that you could take before you are even considered "late." I proudly purchased my test, and attempted to drive the speed limit while I raced home. 
        Once I was home I rushed to the bathroom to begin the process. However, Gabe suggested that I wait until after dinner so I could make sure to drink plenty of fluids. After dinner, I nervously peed on my first pregnancy stick. It was difficult to say the least. Gabe will never witness me peeing so he waited patiently outside. As soon as I sat the stick on the counter two pink lines quickly appeared. I opened the door, and Gabe stared at me a moment before proceeding into the bathroom. I screamed, "I'm PREGNANT!" 
        Gabe's response was of unbelief. He neither rejoiced nor lamented. Instead, he kept quiet. I immediately called my sisters who were at the movie theater. I told them about my positive pregnancy test, and they said to go ahead and take the second one. I did, and received the same quick response: two pink lines. I called my sisters again. They had sneaked out of the theater so they could join me in a loud scream, "AHHH!" It was now time to call my parents.
        Until we saw the doctor Gabe and I couldn't believe I was actually pregnant. I saw my primary care physician and she confirmed the pregnancy and suggested me to go to Womancare of Williamsburg. Womancare was located two floors above the doctor's office. We made an appointment as soon as possible. 
        I had always practiced in my head many times how I would tell my husband, or how I would react to the positive test. My reaction was extremely unpredictable. Gabe and I were shocked more than anything. But excited nevertheless.