Monday, December 20, 2010

The Baby Shower. Dec. 5th

Thank you to everyone who helped in making Noah's Baby Shower a spectacular and memorable event. We came home with many presents, and some tasty food. Christine and Ashley did such a great job at bringing it all together.

Gabe was invited! He was the jokester, and brought everyone to laughs while he figured out what each present was for. :) 

Noah has way too many clothes now. He is going to be one stylish dude.

Christine and Ashley have been my lifesavers throughout this whole pregnancy. They were both pregnant this time last year and have been there for me every step of the way. I continually have questions for them, and they answer with patience and a sense of humor; both of which make your pregnancy more enjoyable. Christine and Ashley planned a wonderful baby shower. We are very thankful for the two of you :) Noah is so blessed already!